Servicing: Centrifugal, oil-free magnetic bearing, screw, scroll, and reciprocating chillers.
What we do:
How we work:
We meet with you to understand your goals and needs and together we build a plan that fits your budgets.
Essential Choice
Allow our factory trained subject matter experts to work hand in hand with your maintenance staff keeping your systems with in the proper operating parameters.
Premium Choice
We provide the chiller expertise, and it includes critical maintenance tasks.
If desired they are available with regular scheduled compressor overhaul, non-destructive testing such as eddy current tube, oil and chemical analysis, vibration analysis and scheduled relief valve replacements as stipulated by Alberta Boilers Safety Association
Complete Choice
Reduces your maintenance needs on your operation team and increases our accountability to you by inclusively covering the cost of all maintenance and repairs on one monthly invoice.
Magnum Opus
This program is a long -term plan where the value of maintenance and equipment energy upgrades cross. We work with you for a customized solution